You want the process of filing a claim with your insurer to go as smoothly as possible. Receiving your settlement could be the one thing keeping your life from going back to normal. That makes any issues with your insurance claim, an already-bad situation, much worse. These obstacles can, at best, result in delays with your payment. At worst, they mean you will be denied outright. That’s why it is good to know some of the biggest insurance claim warning signs that could signal trouble for you.
1. Silence
Not hearing from your Carrier for long stretches of time is one of the most troubling insurance claim warning signs. Insurance companies are required to get back to you within a set number of days once you file your claim. The number of days depends on your home state. They are also required to provide you with notifications on payouts or denial in a specific time frame starting with the inspection.
If your insurer takes longer than they should, it might mean trouble. Be sure to keep records of all your interactions with the company. Let them know that you’re concerned about how long it’s taking.
2. Asking Too Many Questions for Too Long
You should be worried if the insurance adjuster keeps asking you for information but doesn’t give you any answers. A seasoned insurance adjuster shouldn’t need to do this. Even on large claims, this is not common. Adjusters should know exactly what they are looking for from day one, so asking too many questions is another of the big insurance claim warning signs to be aware of.
3. Investigating the Claim
It could be a very bad sign if your insurer notifies you that your claim is being investigated rather than processed. Investigations normally take place when the insurer thinks there are issues with the claim. They could be trying to prove that the claim is not covered or hope to lower the amount. A disreputable company will, in some cases, use this process to slow down payment. In any event, insurance claim warning signs of this kind can be disappointing and frustrating.
4. Asking for a Recorded Statement
Has your insurer asked you to provide a recorded statement? While you should be able to answer all questions regarding your claim, answering them without full knowledge and/or making mistakes in time frames or specific details, for example, could be used as grounds for denial. You need to be sure to have all the details straight if they ask for a recorded statement to supplement your report.
5. Public Adjusters Can Help
Hire a public adjuster rather than relying on people working for the insurer. You won’t have to worry about these insurance claim warning signs if you do. You can be certain that they will be fair and focused on what’s best for you since a public adjuster works independently.
If you have a current insurance claim experiencing issues, you still have time to get a public adjuster on your side. They can often help even if you’ve received a denial. Aftermath Adjusters & Consulting has helped many homeowners and businesses settle their claims quickly and with better payouts. Call us before contacting your insurer and experience the difference.