You have probably spent hours making sure that your yard looks well kept. Your home might also have a fresh coat of paint every few years. Do you, however, know when you last checked for roof damage? Your roof can weaken for a large number of reasons.

The longer you leave it, however, no matter the cause, the more likely your home will have things like:

  • Leaks
  • Ceiling stains
  • Complete roof failure

Keep reading to find out more about the most common causes of roof damage in Florida. You will be able to keep an eye out once you know what they are. You might even prevent some damage from occurring.

Roof Damage From Coconuts

Coconuts, believe it or not, are one of the most dangerous items to your roof. Gorgeous palm trees are synonymous with Florida. However, the fruit can fall and easily crack roof tiles. This will lead to leaks and other damage in your ceilings and walls.

Wind and Hail Damage

The most common victim of wind is shingles. Storms can easily lift them and pull entire sheets from your roof. Another thing is that shingles are adhered to the roof using an asphalt strip. Debris can easily get trapped underneath this strip during storms. Then, the winds quickly weaken the strip as well, allowing the next big storm to strip your roof bare.

Hail can also cause plenty of damage to shingles over time. Holes can form in the shingles due to hail constantly battering the roof. If the hailstones are large and heavy enough, they can even crack tiles.

Trees Damaging Roof

A falling tree can cause roof damage quicker than all other causes. Hurricanes and other large storms easily uproot or topple trees causing thousands of dollars in damage. Prevention for this type of roof damage is easy. You just need to prune your trees and remove any loose branches.

Impact Zones

Impact zones are when the wind lifts debris that collides with buildings. Roof damage is common in impact zones. In fact, the more impact zones there are on a roof, the weaker and more vulnerable to damage it becomes. Having your roof inspected regularly for damage is the only way to really make sure your roof has no damage.

It is, however, best to have a professional inspect your roof. They can spot things that may be difficult for the untrained eye to see, like:

  • Impact zones
  • Cracks
  • Other damage

It’s always a good idea to make sure that you contact a public adjuster, like Aftermath Adjusters & Consulting after a professional inspection. We can help you file a claim if damage occurs.

Aftermath Adjusters & Consulting understands these common types of roof damage. Because of this knowledge, we can ensure that your claim is processed as quickly as possible. That way you won’t have to wait to have your roof repaired or the costs covered. Calling Aftermath Adjusters at 954-329-2456 can help you start the claims process now.